The Other Iszkula Baby Blog

The Other Iszkula Baby Blog

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our 3rd Anniversary

We've got a thumbsucker

First Fridays after Five

Our first family trip to a restaurant in Lynchburg, VA

Carissa doing her best Charlotte "Crooked Head" Rose impersonation

Allison with Charlotte

Carissa and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary and we took a day trip down to Lynchburg, VA. Charlotte was really well behaved as we drove over to the Blue Ridge Parkway and traveled south for about 65 miles or so. She slept the vast majority of the way with only a few fussy times. We made a couple of stops on the way down. We then walked around Lynchburg and went for an early dinner in the city. Charlotte slept through the whole dinner and we had no problems in the restaurant. Otherwise this week has been pretty busy. Our friends Mike and Allison stopped by and brought dinner which was great. We also went with Alicia to Fridays After Five at the pavillion. The concert was super loud but Charlotte was great and didn't seem to mind.

As a note, we have learned that Charlotte's head is in the 75th percentile while her length and body is only in the 10% for her age. That is probably why the 2 above pictures show her head so darn crooked. We are eagerly awaiting when her body is going to catch up to that huge Iszkula noggin.


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