The Other Iszkula Baby Blog

The Other Iszkula Baby Blog

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Charlotte gets a Jenny Jump Up

Charlotte taking her first spin in the Jenny Jump Up.

Watching a little Judge Joe Brown

Cutest baby ever!

Up close and personal

Cute lil' fawn in the headlights

Happy jumping baby

Hey gang just wanted to put up some new pictures of Charlotte. In the last week Charlotte has turned 5 months and she is now a champ at sitting up by herself. She can do it for minutes at a time and then when we feel safe letting go, she decides to dive bomb her head into the carpet without fail. Charlotte loves to stand up and likes to jump when she gets excited so we decided to go to target and get her the Jenny Jump Up. This is from her first ride on this little baby trampoline. Here are some more pictures of her for you guys to enjoy.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Charlotte (does not) love solid food!

I try to maintain my status as an unbiased observer when commenting on my family and my daughter. But I must admit I see children every day and I have not met a baby quite as cute as my Charlotte Rose. Sure.....maybe I don't even realize I'm biased but I don't think that it. I just think she's absolutely perfect in every way (except sleeping at night, and spitting up) but every baby has their achilles heal huh? Here's a very cute video of her not giving any love to her beautiful mother's sweet potatoes. In her defense that is the same move I try every time Carissa makes dinner...j/k.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

4 month old and meeting the cousins

"Wow....that's one big Poo!" Direct quote from Carissa every day around 11 am.

Eli and Charlotte playing together so well until.....

Charlotte "was unaware the Wachutus were eye gougers"

Ben making sure safety comes first!!

Charlotte just can't quit Eli...even though he clearly likes to poke eyeballs

Wow she looks like she's not having fun at Treasure Lake

And I didn't think Elmo or Charlotte could get any cuter...

There's a good looking family'd Ben get that welt on his forehead???

I think I have the answer

Well just wanted to post another quick update. We have had a busy few days and I had totally forgot to post pictures of our new Erie neighbors Uncle Steve, Aunt Jill, Ben and Eli. They have recently joined us up in northwest PA and got to meet Charlotte for the first time about 2 months ago. We took a little trip down to DuBois PA and went to a resort town called Treasure Lake. The house was a little on the rustic side (way too rustic for NaNa) but you know her she needs Evian water from a crystal glass. We got to take Charlotte to the big lake and have fun in the sun (which was about 10% of the time, with 90% rain).

We also got to celebrate Big Ben's second birthday. He got spoiled rotten and got a ton of toys including a tricycle. The helmet in the above picture is for the tricycle and has nothing to do with Ben's physical or mental capabilities. We're proud to say that he is hitting or exceeding every milestone....j/k. Ben also got a basketball hoop, lots of bubble stuff, and a lot of GQ clothing. I am so sorry I have neglected posting these pictures sooner but I have been reminded weekly to do so by Steve and Jill.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Busy Couple of Weeks

We have had a crazy few weeks with a lot of fun times. Paul, Brandy, Mason and Delaney came to visit and Carissa showed them around Erie. Next, we had a Hamot orientation at the zoo and Charlotte got to meet the animals and also ride on the train for the first time. This weekend we were super busy. Dave, Lorie, Cameron, Josh and Ashley all came to visit for my cousin Dusty's wedding. We also celebrated the birthday ofmy Uncle Brian with aunt Eileen, Suzy and Amy. Next was the wedding where we had a great time. Charlotte has been doing great and her Erie doctor's appointment is coming up along with her 4 month birthday pretty soon. Enjoy the pics.

Madison getting her dance on..

The whole family cleaned up pretty well.

Carissa getting me in a headlock...I had to crop the picture as Uncle Dave had a great photo bomb.

Don't do it......don't do it......j/k

Uncle Dave doing his best Angus Young impression

Happy Bday Uncle Brian...we miss you

Charlotte Rose looking especially girly

Charlotte and pink gorilla (Charlotte is on the left in the photo)

Our family at the zoo


Carissa and Charlotte riding the Erie Zoo Train

Feeding the giraffe

Mason making a smore

Paul and Delaney with Erik and Charlotte

Carissa pretending to have twin girls

Carissa took the whole family to Sara's on the Penninsula

Charlotte and Delaney hanging out watching a little Baby Mozart

Charlotte pooped at the end of a long weekend.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long Time No Blog

There's a happy 3 month old baby

JR and Amber doing their best "Erik and Carissa" impression

Fadra and Rosie getting a quick bite at 8 great Tuesdays

The Whole Family at a Winery

The future is so bright.....she needs to wear shades

The Groff girls having a tub party

Charlotte getting nailed by the sun at the White Turkey

Hit 2 balloons in a row and win a baby

Jose cannot handle the extreme rides of Waldameer

I just want to give a quick apology to the hundreds of thousands of loyal blog followers out there. I have been extremely bad about updating the blog lately as we have been moving into our new house, and I was getting situated at work. Charlotte has been growing like a weed and we have had a ton great company recently. First Carissa's family came and helped us move into our new house. Then Whitney and Jose came for a week and Carissa's parents came up again. They did a lot of fun things around Erie while I got to work the whole time. Next Fadra came for a last minute visit before she finally gets made into an honest woman. Then last but not least J.R. and Amber came up from Pittsburgh to spend the night and meet the baby. We have had a ton of fun recently and I have been bad about updating but that will change. We are getting ready to go on a trip down to Treasure Lake, PA and I will have some spare time to update the blog I promise.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vacation and New House

Sorry for the long time from the last update. We have been crazy busy with a ton of big events. We went to the Outer banks on vacation, we packed up the apartment and moved to a house in Erie, I graduated, and Charlotte turned 2 months old (yea!). We have had some ups (graduating and vacation) and some downs (Satellite TV cannot find dish placement at our house do to trees).

We went on vacation to Duck, NC and had a lot of fun. The entire week the temps were highs in the 90s and very sunny. Charlotte got to experience the beach and watch her immediate and extended family drink tons of beers. We returned to lovely Charlottesville just in time for a huge storm and loss of power. That was great as the movers came and packed us by candle light until 10pm in 80 degree heat without any A.C. Overnight we had power return to us but the majority of Charlottesville remained without electricity.

The next day both grandparents were down to go to my graduation at the Rotunda. Charlotte came out and got to meet all my co-residents and attendings and she behaved pretty good. That day the movers also finished packing up all our stuff about an hour before the graduation started. The next morning we left for Erie, PA in 4 different cars. My parents left first and got a speeding ticket outside of Pittsburgh. I left second with Gizmo and Izzy (clearly I drew the short straw). Carissa, Jackie and Charlotte were next and Doug drove the van up packed to the gills.

The new house is great so far. It is unbelievable how big it is after our apartment in Charlottesville and our shoebox in Philly. I cannot get over how much space we have. We have met a ton of neighbors who all seem very nice. The second night we were in town a huge storm hit which we found out the next day was a tornado on the Penninsula and also in Conneaut, Ohio.

On a great note, Charlotte has turned 2 months old. She is growing every day and is quickly growing into her ginormous head. She has been eating and pooping like a champ, and seems to enjoy her walks around our new neighborhood. I will put in a ton of pictures and videos to catch everyone up to speed. We hope everyone is doing well and will have a happy 4th of July.


Warning to all Erie drivers: Wear your seatbelts. The roads are NO LONGER SAFE!

Baby Charlotte meeting Amy and Suzy

Graduation at the Rotunda

Here I am carrying my beautiful bride across the threshold to the new house

Cariss and I got in our fancy clothes for graduation

The whole family enjoying some Hooters goodness.

Don't worry we brought Charlotte too, you can tell by the horror on her face that she's having a good time.

Rosie partied so hard she passed out on Nana

Five minutes earlier she had just finished her 3rd bottle straight. We kept telling her to slow down but she demanded that we stayed out of her business.

Even I got into the sling fun with Charlotte

Carissa and Charlotte looking great at the Outer Banks with the new baby sling..thanks woot.

The whole family with Papa Ed in the background

Uncle Dave and Aunt Lorie down on vacation in front of our house. Clearly Dave was holding that bud light lime for my mother.

Rosie Posey trying out the sling.

Life is so tough for babies. Charlotte was not nearly as interested in World Cup Soccer as her dad.